Gourmet Beauty Shot

Thirst for Calm by Chef Tanguy Laviale - 7x50ml


7 Gourmet Beauty Shots taste Granny Smith apple, kiwi, rose, roasted oatmeal and bergamot to sooth and regenerate the skin

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7 Gourmet beauty shots

by Chef Tanguy LAVIALE

Pierced by an arrow, poisoned, tempting and sensual, miraculous or immortal... the apple has made ancient and mythological heroes crack.
In this gastronomic shot of beauty THIRST FOR CALM, Chef Tanguy LAVIALE places it at the head of a surprising and soothing mix&match. It encourages a regressive return to calm with its delicisous combination with an exotic fruit, an exceptional flower and a legendary cereal. An In&Out beauty elixir that Big Apple is going to snatch up!
The gastronomic beauty shot is a fresh infusion of plants from France. This pure and preservative-free product contains natural ingredients selected for their concentration of micronutrients and "skin soothing" active ingredients. To strengthen and prolong its effects, it is enriched with vitamin C, which promotes collagen production and improves skin radiance. Copper, an antioxidant mineral enzymatic factor, is an anti-bacterial and ensures the proper functioning of our cells in dermonutrition. SELENIUM, a renowned antioxidant, is a valuable asset for cell repair.


For consumers*, the effectiveness of the treatment is clearly demonstrated in the middle and end of the treatment:
86% of them note an improvement in the condition of their skin from the 4th day.
100% are ready to repeat the treatment.
79% would recommend it to a third party.
71% of the panellists even declare themselves ready to replace their current skin care with the Phyltres ritual. Finally, the organoleptic qualities of the shots are highly praised, even if the slight deposit of oatmeal can alter their visual perception but also their taste.

Test carried out by an independent sensory analysis laboratory on a panel of 40 consumers, mostly aged between 30 and 59, between May 9 and 30, 2022. These panelists followed a 7-day treatment at home to evaluate the improvement of their skin condition, the overall satisfaction of the treatment and the organic characteristics of the shots to be tasted. The innovative "In & Out" beauty concept, launched by Phyltres, was also tested before and after the cure.


Granny Smith apple

The GRANNY SMITH APPLE contains active fibres, in particular pectin, which helps to improve digestive function. The apple rich in antioxidants and especially in polyphenols and full of vitamins A, B and C, minerals and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium, zinc...) has a protective effect on premature aging cells and skin.


KIWI, meaning "vegetable mouse" in China where it originated, has a high fiber content, soothing irritations of the skin microbiota. With its concentrated vitamin C, B, E and K1 content, it reduces oxidative stress and fights against ageing. This fruit rich in minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc.) and in trace elements is renowned for soothing sensitive skin or skin weakened by external aggressions.

Damask rose water

In addition to being renowned for its anti-aging properties, DAMASK ROSE WATER is also antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, calming and soothing. This exceptional flower that has been brought in Europe since Antiquity is the rare and remarkable ingredient of In&Out beauty.

Roasted oatmeal

The OAT, one of the oldest cereals cultivated by man, rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, is a renowned ingredient for regenerating the skin. It eliminates impurities and excess sebum. Due to its fiber concentration, oat is also a nutrient of choice for microbiota-friendly bacteria.


Apple juice (76.7%), kiwi juice (11.5%), roasted oat infusion (7.7%), bergamot juice (2%), rose water (2%), vitamin C, copper, selenium.
- Per 100 mL :
energy 315 kJ / 74 kcal, fat 0.7, saturated fatty acids 0.1, carbohydrates 14.5, sugars 9.6, fiber 1.3, protein 1.6, salt < 0.01, vitamin C 48 mg (60% of NRV), copper 0.6 mg (60% of NRV), selenium 33 µg (60% of NRV).
- Per serving (50 mL) :
energy 157 kJ / 37 kcal, fat 0.35, saturated fatty acids 0.05, carbohydrates 7.25, sugars 4.8, fiber 0.65, protein 0.8, salt < 0.01, vitamin C 24 mg (30% of NRV), copper 0.3 mg (30% of NRV), selenium 16.5 µg (30% of NRV).

NRV - Nutrient Reference Values

Usage tips

An evening ritual to perform for 7 days, renewable. According to skin chronobiology, cellular repair takes place in the evening. Indeed, prebiotic fibers and antioxidants are better assimilated and more effective at the end of the day. So before falling into the arms of Morpheus, open your eyes and taste buds wide with this treatment of 7 shots to be kept at room temperature for a maximum of 5 months but to be consumed, preferably, fresh, for your greatest pleasure. This 7-day ritual is renewable once and strongly recommended for optimal effect.

An innovative treatment for « In&Out »

Nutrition is one of the main levers in skin health and beauty care. Scientific studies have widely demonstrated that skin manifestations are intimately linked to nutritional deficiencies. Phyltres Gourmet Beauty shots are not only delicious but give visible results in skin condition rebalancing, soothing and addressing skin issues. Gourmet beauty shots bring benefits for the purity of the skin, its brightness, moisturization, youth. Beauty starts from inside ! Results of R&D* on a Damask rose grown in France and the ingredients to combine for the desired effects, the Gourmet Beauty Shots are natural and fresh infusions. These effective physiological doses have a rapid effect thanks to their cocktail of active ingredients whose high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fibres protect cells from oxidative stress.

A question? Find the answer below

Is a 7-day "In" beauty ritual enough?
If your digestive system is working well, a 7-day cure will already bring you a very nice effect. If it is lazy or capricious, we advise you to increase it to 14 days. If you want to carry out a more in-depth assessment of your skin microbiota, we strongly recommend that you be taken care of by our micronutritionist with an adapted and personalised protocol. You will optimise the assimilation of the nutrients of the shots for a radiant effect.
According to what criteria do you select the ingredients used in your formulations and recipes?
From the beginning, well before the pandemic, the co-founders have included traceability, origin and made in France in the DNA of their project. A civic and economic commitment that goes against pre-Covid trends. Its production activities being located in New Aquitaine, Phyltres has given its preference to suppliers respectful of life and the environment from the region. In our Aquitaine tour, we have identified talented producers who are passionate about naturalness. We value their commitment and their relentlessness in working on beautiful and good products to preserve the future of people and the planet. We are happy with their contribution, alongside us, to a natural and responsible "In & Out" beauty.
How do you maintain the quality of ingredients?
To preserve the taste of the fresh fruits used in the composition of its shots, Phyltres has devoted two and a half years of study and development to them, with the help of Agrotec. Not to mention the time spent in dozens of taste tests and sensory analyses by a panel of consumers before industrialisation! The shots are heated for the minimum time and at a moderate temperature to preserve the freshness and the organoleptic qualities (flavour, texture, colour...) of the ingredients. Phyltres selects these Local shots mostly of French origin rigorously.
Do you think you are contributing to reducing waste with the multiplication of mini-formats of your gourmet beauty shots to drink?
100% of our products are made of glass. An infinitely recyclable material produced in France or Italy and 30% lighter. The weight of our packaging is between 70 and 123 g, less than the weight of a fresh apple. In all transparency, a ritual of 7 gourmet beauty shots weighs slightly less in weight and carbon footprint than a glass bottle of wine, champagne or mineral water per week. However, with a view to constantly improving ourselves, we are considering the rapid establishment of a locker service in Bordeaux and Paris.
The hydration needs of the skin vary depending on age. How many treatments do you recommend per year for thirty-, fourty- and sixty-somethings to maintain their "sex appeal"?
For skins over 21, we recommend two 21-day Thirst for youth or Thirst for calm treatments per year; for skins over 40, two additional treatments per year. Finally, for those over 60, we recommend four 21-day treatments of Thirst for youth or Thirst for calm per year, interspersed with four 7-day treatments. For irritated, sensitive or reactive skin, our micronutritionist recommends 4 to 6 courses of Thirst for calm Gourmet Beauty Shots or 2 courses of 14 or 21 days per year. For tired, stressed or dull skin, opt for 2 courses of Thirst for glow Gourmet Beauty Shots for 21 days in the fall and spring. In addition, you can do a treatment of 7 days every 2 months.
Is it normal to have a deposit in the Thirst for calm beauty shot?
It’s quite a ritual to satisfy a “Thirst for Calm”! This gourmet beauty shot consists of Granny Smith apple, kiwi, bergamot, rose and... roasted oatmeal.  Rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, oats are a renowned ingredient for skin regeneration. It removes impurities and excess sebum.  The deposit, more or less compact, that you can observe at the bottom of the bottle is a concentration of starch, from the infusion of the cereal. To make it disappear quickly, do not hesitate to strongly shake the shot before tasting it. Phyltres has chosen to minimize the filtration of the infusion to preserve the creaminess and gluttony of oats and all its benefits.
What is the difference between nutritional supplements, contained in gourmet beauty shots, and food supplements?

Representing 30% of daily intake, Gourmet Beauty Shots are concentrated in micronutrients and powerful plant active ingredients, including those of the rose, all natural. These drinkable nutritional supplements have a very rapid effect thanks to their cocktails of natural active ingredients with high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fibre. The ingredients will act in synergy for better results and more efficiency in 7 or 14 days. Richer and more complex than food supplements, gastronomic beauty shots put pleasure back at the heart of food by combining nutrition and gastronomy. In the form of capsules, ampoules or gummies in a longer programme (21 to 30 days or more), food supplements do not rhyme with pleasure, are not necessarily natural, and are sometimes less well assimilated because they are too high in dose.

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Celine V.
Un rituel beauté agréable et efficace !

J ai adoré cette cure beauté avec les 7 shots : délicieux nectar à boire le soir avant le coucher pendant une semaine pour un résultat extra sur mon teint. Je recommande sans hésitation !

Anne Gresser
Un nectar aussi bon que beau

Une belle découverte et quel délice le matin ! J'ai fait découvrir la version In de ces si belles roses de Damas, mises en valeur par l'alliance des fruits, les avis sont unanimes.

Delphine Jalleau Longueville
Bon, beau et efficace !

Les shots sont très agréables à boire et efficaces ! un vrai moment de détente et une jolie peau en prime en une semaine.
Très green : les petites bouteilles sont ravissantes et on a plaisir à les garder ensuite.
Bravo !

Marie-Pierre BONNEFOY
délicieux rituel.

Un pt élixir de beauté dans un très joli flacon en verre. Une sensation de bien-être, ma peau est reposée. Le gout est délicieux. Je recommande fortement. Il me tarde de découvrir les autres produits...

Solène G.

Infusion fraîche et gourmande dans de jolies fioles !La saveur de la rose ressort délicatement . Sensation de bien- être , je recommande !

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